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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of students on roll known to be eligible for Free School Meals currently (FSM) or who have claimed within the last five years, as well as pupils who have been adopted or looked after by the Local Authority.

Research has shown that children who have been on/are on FSM do not attain as highly as other children in school. The government provides this grant so that we can provide quality first teaching, as well as allocate additional support, amongst other wider strategies, to ensure that they do. The support can be in a short burst or over a longer term such as a term, two terms, a year or more. It may take the form of whole class, individual or small group teaching. It can be additional resources, enrichment or access to opportunities that enhance learning and or aspiration.

Great Bradfords Junior School is committed to ensuring that all children have equality of access to resources in an inclusive environment.  We are committed to all children succeeding at the highest possible levels and believe that the Pupil Premium Grant should be directed to supporting us to achieve this vision. We have a duty to ensure that no children are disadvantaged due to their gender, ethnic origin or family income or background.

If your child qualifies for free school meals, it is important that you tell us – even if they take a packed lunch – as this enables us to claim the Pupil Premium.

Please use this link  to apply for Free School Meals for your child (ren) in Key Stage 2.

Please see the documents below for our pupil premium reports and strategy.



As part of our enrichment programme for disadvantaged families, Rocksteady™ provides a platform for children to realise their musical ambitions to be a rock star. It offers them the opportunity to develop in more creative ways across the curriculum as well as building their self-confidence and belief. When offered a place in a band, they can choose between learning to play the drums, bass, guitar, keyboards or vocals.  

Each term, children learn a song of their choice to perform at the end of term concert to their peers and parent/carers. 



Contact Us

Marlborough Rd, Braintree, CM7 9LW

01376 326739