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Our school  has 3 classes of 30 children per year group. (A total of 360 children in the school)

Please see our admissions policy for further details.

As we are a Local Authority maintained school our admissions  are made via Essex County Council and applications should be made via their website:       However, the majority of our pupils transfer from our partner Infant School at the beginning of Year 3.

The following are the admission criteria applied to Year 3 applications:

  •  There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admission area.
  • In the event of oversubscription places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:
  • 1. Looked After Children and previously looked after children (as defined in the Primary Education in Essex 2020/2021 booklet);
  • 2. children with a sibling attending the school or Great Bradfords Infant and Nursery school;
  • 3. children living in the priority admission area;
  • 4. remaining applications.
  • In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given the highest priority.

Contact Us

Marlborough Rd, Braintree, CM7 9LW

01376 326739