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Parent Forum

We are, as a school, invested in working with partnership with our families and feel strongly about developing these relationships for the benefit of our children and community. As such, we are working hard towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) due for final assessment in June 2023. Although this award will recognise our commitment to parent/school teamwork with a certificate, the main benefit and reason for proceeding through this process, is to help us to audit our current provision and allow us to identify next steps for developing and improving our partnership between home and school - which is what has been proven to make the most impact for young people. 

As part of this process, we have set up a Parent Forum in which parents and carers can be informed and contribute to the decision-making processes and policies we stand by at GBJS. This strengthens the voice of our parents/carers and demonstrates our commitment to supporting one another in achieving the best outcomes for our children and young people.

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Marlborough Rd, Braintree, CM7 9LW

01376 326739