Children and Family and Mental Health Support Teams
Children and Family and Mental Health Support Teams
Mr Justin Wrench
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Beverley Thompson
Disadvantaged Champion
Senior Mental Health Lead
Mrs Liz Donaldson
Looked After Children Lead
Mrs Ann Dickens
Attendance and Pupil Welfare Lead
Mrs Claire Staton
Pastoral Worker
Mrs Sarah Taylor
Inclusion Lead
At the heart of the decision-making surrounding support for our most vulnerable children is our Children and Family Team (CFT) who meet regularly to ensure all of our children feel safe and are cared for in and out of school. All members of the team are designated mental health first aiders.
This consists of the headteacher (Designated Safeguarding Lead), deputy headteacher (Disadvantaged Champion/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/Senior Mental Health Lead), SENDCo, administration manager (Attendance and Welfare), inclusion and pastoral leads. Our pastoral team consists of two fully trained members of staff who are very qualified in working with children who are experiencing difficulties with their social and emotional wellbeing. We have well resourced, designated spaces within the school, our Rainbow and Star rooms, to support the work they do with these children, such as ‘Zones of Regulation’ sessions where children can learn to recognise and self-regulate their feelings.
As well as the support offered by our pastoral team, we are very lucky to be able to offer more in-depth support for children, where needed, through the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) who work with children and their families who may need additional support. The team work with families in our school as well as other schools in our local area. Please see their details below.